Blog posts tagged with 'sustainable living'

Tyres from roads to home Décor
Whether you have one or one hundred tires, there is always something that you can make with them that will not only repurpose them but give you great interior and exterior décor. You can turn those old useless tires into everything from furniture to flower pots to something for the kids.
Ways to Set up an Eco Friendly Kitchen
If you're trying to be mindful of your environmental impact, it makes sense to look for eco-friendly products as alternatives to single-use, disposable items. It's much easier to adjust to an eco-conscious lifestyle than you think, you just need to know what to look for before you get to the store.
Jute Bags - a perfect replacement for Plastic Bags
Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibers, and second only to cotton in the amount produced and variety of uses. Jute fibers are composed primarily of the plant materials cellulose and lignin. Jute is called ‘The Golden Fibre’ mainly due to its color, and also because it is a cash crop and generates revenue.
Sustainable style of living - Part 2
Zero waste focuses on the trash problem (at the consumer level) and the closed-loop cycle of production and consumption (at the systematic level). You can read more about this here.
Sustainable style of living - Part 1
Zero waste promotes not only reuse and recycling but, more importantly, it promotes prevention and product designs that consider the entire product life cycle. Zero waste strongly supports sustainability by protecting the environment, reducing costs, and producing additional jobs in the management and handling of wastes back into the industrial cycle.